วันจันทร์ที่ 21 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2559

A Discourse Approach in Reading Week 12

 20   March   2016  

 Definition  and  Classification 

Teacher reviewed the lesson 'Cause and Effect' about the Effect of Stress.

The Effect of Stress - Title is content word
Paragraph 1 - Introduction  main idea : Too much stress results in physical, emotional, and mental health problems.
Paragraph 2 - The effect of stress on physical health problem main idea : There are numerous physical effects of stress.
Paragraph 3 - The effect of stress on emotional health problem main idea : Emotions are also easily affected by stress.
Paragraph 4 - The effect of stress on mental health problem main idea : Long-term stress can lead to a variety of serious mental illnesses.
Paragraph 5 - Conclusion main idea : It is obvious that stress is a serious problem.

She checked the highlight that we did last week about discourse markers and asked us which part of speech of them. We started to study new lesson that was Definition and Classification

In textbooks, you are sure to meet unfamiliar technical words and their definition. You will also find that writers use classification to divide general concepts into a number of different types. Identifying and understanding texts that contain definition and classification will help your academic reading.
define = to say what the ​meaning of something, ​especially a word, is
classify = to ​divide things into ​groups ​according to ​their ​type

She explained the examples and showed some common definition and classification markers 

These strategies will help us categorize and understand texts that contain technical terms, definition, and classification.
  - Expert writers to use technical terms and to define them in the text.
  - Expert writers to use common words and give them technical meaning.
  - Look for Definition Markers. They will help you identify both technical terms and their meanings.
  - Look for Classification Markers. They will help you identify both the general concepts and its types.

We did Skill Practice 1 by circle the Definition Markers, highlight the technical terms, and underline the definitions. Examples this below

Voiceless sounds are sounds that are produced with no vibration of the vocal cords.

Prejudice is an unfair judgment that people make before they have all the facts.
* Yellow is technical terms.
   Blue is definition markers.

Before we had a break, teacher told us about midterm score. I got 17 point, it's more than that I think. I am very happy.
After break, we did Skill Practice 2 by circle the Classification Markers, then draw a diagram showing the classification.

Then we did Skill Practice 3 by reread paragraph 2-5 in Skill Practice 2 and highlight the definitions of the following terms.

1. acoustic phonetics

On the other hand, speech creates waves of pressure that move through the air. If we study this aspect of speech sounds, our area of interest is called acoustic phonetics.

2. perception

Perception, the complex process by which we make sense of incoming sensory information,

3. selective attention

Selective attention refers to our ability to focus our attention on one aspect of the massive amount of information that our senses are experiencing at a given moment

4. ahieved status

Achieved status, the other catagory, is a social position thar an undividual reaches through choice, ablility, and competition.

5. extrinsic motivation

The other type, extrinsic motivation, is a desire that results from outside incentives - the rewards or sanctions the individual may receive for doing or failing to do something.

6. intrinsic motivation

One kind is intrinsic motivation, the desire to perform a task successfully for its own sake.

* Yellow is technical terms.
   Blue is definition markers.
   Green is definition 

What did you find easy?
Finding the discourse markers was easy for me.

What did you find difficult?
Some sentences I was not sure about which ones are
unfamiliar technical words
What did you solve the problem?
I reread the definition and predicted the words that I don't know are
technical terms.

What are your attitudes towards the lesson?
This lesson is important in reading because when we read text, we will see the technical terms. We can guess the meaning by noticing the discourse markers without opening dictionary

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