Today I studied new lesson that was "West meet East". First of all, teacher showed the pictures to us like this

MCDonald's Happy meals
Hello Kitty Toys

Bobo drinks

Fusion food

Kanji tattoos

Crouching tiger hidden dragon

Rick Yune
Then we did excercises in sheet about the famous food, actors, movies, TV shows, musicians or music groups, and athletes in my country that have become popular overseas. After that we shared our opinion with our partner together.
Next exercise that we do was complete the sentences with the keywords in bold from the text and discuss the questions with a partner.
We read 'The "Asianization" of the United States. It was very hard for me because the vocabularies was too hard and some sentences was not clear. When I had problem, I solved problem by search meaning in dictionary and tried to guess meaning from sentences.
After that we answered the questions about True(T) or False(F) and tell meaning in the passage without using a dictionary.
The last, teacher assigned us to do exercise for next time. Next week we don't have class because she was busy.