Recount continued
First teacher reviewed the lesson from last week about 'Recount'. It made us understood the text clearly that who was involded, where it happened, when it happened. We highlighted the action verbs/past tense, linking words to do with time and specific participants. Last week I didn't understand that we highlighted and found it for what? But now I know that already because it help us to find the answer quickly.
We read 'My Grandpa's Funeral in Toraja' again and answered the question that teacher assigned from last week.
A series of events 'My Grandpa's Funeral in Toraja'
- Gathered together with relatives in the ceremony
- Grandpa's body was dressed in a fine wearing and kept in the tongkonan
- Slaughtered the pigs and buffaloes
- Moved the corpse to face north
- The corpse was placed in a sandal wood coffin
- Brought it out of the house and placed on an open platform beneath the granary
- prepared the lakian and held it in this place
- The grandpa's coffin wad lowered from the funeral tower and brought up to the mountain side family graveyard
- Installed the wooden puppet on a high balcony
Next, we read 'An Excursion to the Botanic Garden' We analyzed what orientation,events and reorientation are and highlighted on language features. Then we chose the correct answer and answered the questions very quickly because we did it already before.
After that teacher told us to write vocabularies about police report on the board. It was very difficult, I didn't know many words, I took a photo and found the meaning later.
Teacher gave a new sheet for us. it was news report about five Vietnamese nationals were arrested for stealing cash. Teacher ask me to answer 'What do you think about this incident?' in Webblog
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What do you think about this incident?
I think this news is very important, now ASEAN is opened already. The member of ASEAN can come to our country easily for work or travel. In my opinion it's not only foreigners become thieves but also Thai people. Everyone should be careful and protect youself all the time. Last text that we read was 'Investigation report', it was about the couple was stopped by the policeman because they were exceeding the speed limit on the Dumbarton highway in a truck but finally, they escaped.
We didn't have enough time to do this exercise, teacher assigned it to be our homework.
What did you find easy?
I answered questions very quickly if I highlighted an orientation that are what,who,when,where.
What did you find difficult?
Absolutely I had a problem with my vocabularies. Every week that I studied have new vocabularies which I should learn and remember more. The vocabularies about police report was the hardest for this week.
What did you solve the problem?
I paid attention to listen to my teacher what she said and jot them down to my sheet.
What are your attitudes towards the lesson?
In my opinion this lesson is very hard for me because I didn't like to read the long text in English and the text wasn't interesting but I tried to did it and I can understand more than I think.