Today, I came to class late. It was my first time and I'm so sorry but I did it by myself.
We continued from last week about Ann lander, the advice columnist. Teacher gave us to write the answers on the board and then we helped her to check the answers to find the best answers.
She read the letters that send to Ann Landers and her responses and translated it to help us understand what the problem is and Ann landers's advice is. We spent a long time to do this exercise
Then we did next exercise. We read the to Ann Lenders and gave our advice to the writer and shared how to we advise with our partner.
After that we started the new lesson. It was 'Read faster'. Teacher gave us to think what is your obstacles to faster reading?. We wrote spider web on the board and I wrote one.
We answered the question do you agree with? and tick in the box what statements we agree. We read the text ' Obstactles to faster effective reading 'and chose the answer by skim the passage.
Today we don't have enough time to read passage and do exercises. Teacher assigned us to do sheet for next class.
