Read faster!
Today we started class late because power outage we have to change the building to study. We continued the lesson from last week. First of all teacher asked us about our homework that she assigned from last week. Next she answered the homework, told what we got incorrect answer and edited to correct answer.
The first passage was 'Obstacles to faster effective reading'. The second passage was 'Hints for reading practice'. We read the passage from beginning to end by do not stop and do not go back over what we have read. It was very hard to do because when I read the passage I usually stop to search meaning from dictionary and now I get it that dictionary is unnecessary for speed reading practice. The 2 passages helped us to improve speed reading skill. They told what the problems are and what we should do.
Obstacles to faster effective reading
- Very old people and very young children learn to read in much the same way
- Vocalizing will prevent readers from reading at speeds of more than 280 w.p.m
- They will focus on one word at a time when they pointing to each word
- Some students get discouraged when they first start reading faster, they fail to take in what they have read
- Reading practice material is not interesting and too hard
Hints for speed reading practice
Think of the passage as a whole
- Do not try to take in each word separately
- Skim through a passage first to get the general idea of each paragraph
Pay attention to paragraph structure
- Title and paragraph heading can help you to get the outline of a pasage
- the topic sentence of an information-giving paragraph in English is most often at the beginning
- The closing paragraph of a piece of writing often summarizes the essence of the passage
Dictionary slow you down!
- You will not to use a dictionary
- Context is a indicator of meaning
- Make a note and check later if you want to know what all the word mean.
The ASEAN Community 2015
Teacher gave us to answer the names of the member of ASEAN and to write the words on the board about the ASEAN community.
After that, teacher opened the video about ASEAN in English version.
The Associations of Southeast Asian Nations, better known as ASEAN, was formed in 1967. ASEAN has ten members : Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The ASEAN community is a place where all the ten countries come together to build a
better life for everyone. The three doors of the ASEAN
Community are as follows: Peace, Prosperity, and People.
