17 August 2015
This was third week to learn about English Reading Strategies subject. The topic was Natural disaster. I found the news , that is a flood news for discuss with friends and changed our opinion together. Teacher opened video about natural disaster. It was Tsunami in Japan. This video showed us about when Tsunami coming the water will destroy everything in that area such as car and building.Then teacher gave us to write vocabularies about natural disaster on the board.
Today we read 2 news stories. The first news was 'Myanmar flooding affects one million' and the second news was 'Typhoon Soudelor hits China with deaths,floods and mudslides'
Myanmar flooding affects one million
Typhoon Soudelor hits China with deaths,floods and mudslides
After that teacher explained the news and helped us to answer the questions in sheet. In the passage you can see 3 past on it that are Headline, Lead, and Body/Detail.
Finally, I had presentation with my group. We presented
"Cornflakes Cereals Honey" is healthy because it has a lot of
cereals such raisin , corn , Whole-grain and honey. It has high vitamin and antioxidant that can healthy because It doesn’t has cholesterol and sugar.so Cornflakes Cereals Honey for who to want lose weight.
